When you enter one of our graduate programs, we will assign one of our faculty members as your advisor. Your advisor acts as a first contact and can help you make the most of your program. We encourage you to contact your advisor on a regular basis, at least once every academic year.
Program chairs and student services coordinators can also answer your questions and offer support throughout your degree. In addition to academic and program planning, some common reasons to seek their advising include:
This interactive advising tool tracks your completed courses against the degree requirements, allowing you to follow your progression in the program.
If you feel that you have covered the content of a required course in another context, you can request a course exemption. Course exemption forms and procedures are available from your program office.
In addition to the diverse electives we offer, you can take courses in disciplines such as community and regional planning, geography, theatre, art history, visual arts, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and wood sciences, among others.
Depending on your graduate program, either we will provide you with a list of pre-approved outside electives, or you need to receive permission from your program to take an elective outside of SALA.
As a graduate student, electives must be 300-, 400-, or 500-level courses, and only six credits of undergraduate courses will count toward your degree.
In the event that you wish to dispute an academic decision, we recommend that you first consult the faculty member directly involved in the decision. If you cannot reach a satisfactory resolution, submit a written request of appeal to the chair of your program. If we cannot settle the dispute, you can escalate the issue to the University.