WL | Materials Lab Assistant
Overview of duties
The School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Materials Lab is an evolving collection of material samples used in building and landscape construction including wood, metals, concrete, masonry, exterior claddings, various membranes, windows and interior finishes. These materials can be signed out by SALA students for use in their design studio projects or in their coursework. The goal is to foreground healthier materials that address the ongoing urgency of climate change, and the health of people and planet.
The SALA Materials Lab requires two students (one in Landscape Architecture and one in Architecture) to maintain the existing collection, update and expand the collection with healthier materials, create material information sheets for inclusion in an online catalogue, research healthier materials, and connect with suppliers and manufacturers. Students will also be integrating and growing Landscape Architecture Materials into the SALA Materials Library/Lab.
Level of Supervision provided to the student:
I will meet with the students each week to discuss current and upcoming tasks. Between these meetings, the students are expected to show leadership and initiative in these tasks.
Level of complexity of the tasks expected:
These tasks and duties are of a moderate level of complexity with some materials being very familiar, and others requiring greater research due to their newness. For the students, the goal is to encourage them to take the initiative and direct the research into healthier materials.
Education level:
Graduate level students, although consideration will be given to third- and fourth-year Undergraduate students.
Previous skills/ knowledge required for success in this position:
Students should be enrolled in the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Students will need the following skills – ability to work in a team, show initiative, curiosity and critical thinking towards healthier materials in the built environment, willing to research, good organization, helpful, responsible and professional, good communication skills towards fellow students and faculty.
Application deadline
How to apply
Please email resume and cover letter explaining your unique skills and qualifications for this role.