BEnD graduate Rain Chen and MArch graduate Anna Goodman have been included in UBC Applied Science’s 2020 class of Student Stars.
Rain Chen’s introduction to Environmental Design came through ENDS 231: Thinking by Design, one of our open enrollment courses. Although her initial application to the program was not successful, she developed her design skills and was admitted to the program. She cites founding Get Thrifty, the first permanent on-campus thrift store, as one of her most valuable experiences during her time at UBC. Before continuing her education in architecture, Rain plans to grow Get Thrifty and gain work experience at architectural firms. Read her profile here.
Anna Goodman came to study architecture at SALA with an undergraduate degree in Science in Architecture from Ball State University. In addition to her studies, she was the communications coordinator for For A Feminist Architecture (FaFa), a group seeking to engage and challenge the mono-cultural attitudes and conversations predominant in design practice and architectural education. Currently working as a graduate architect in the US, Anna hopes to further her studies in Emergency or Risk Management in pursuit of a career in disaster response issues. Read her profile here.
APSC Student Stars are graduated students who inspire through their passion for their chosen field within the faculty, and their contributions to a better society.