Summer 2023’s design-build project was undertaken by 16 SALA students, who developed the design during the January to April term, then took on the actual construction during six weeks in early summer. The project is located on Keats Island in Howe Sound, and was generously supported by Keats Camps, who run extensive camping and retreat programs on the island.
The project involved replacing a dilapidated storage facility located on the beach adjacent to the main camp access dock. The project not only stores water craft and equipment, but serves as a covered waiting area for people using the dock to arrive and depart the camp. The strong presence due to its generous height and signage makes it a beacon for the camp. In line with the naming of previous SALA design-build projects, this year’s project, with its translucent walls and night-time glow, has affectionately been named SALAntern.
Project team
Kenneth Anggara
Chloe Boisvert
Nora Boone
Annika Dixon-Reusz
Patrick Fung
David Kalman
Zach Morris
Hemi Patel
Tara Porter
Sophia Proust
Jayda Saydam
Tyler Solu
Piero Sovrani
Zainab Wakil
Dustin Wardrop
Bruis Yu