In response to the impending threat of rising sea levels, this project reimagines the connection between land and water in northeast False Creek. Inspired by the resiliency of the natural environment, the project is defined by three pillars: Return to the ocean, Restore the habitat, and Respect from afar. The first pillar, Return, accepts the inevitability of climate change by allowing the False Creek flood plain to return to its previous form and inviting ocean water back into the space. Restoring the natural environment to a pre-colonial form recognizes its natural ability to adapt to future conditions; the topography is populated by native flora based each species’ characteristics to support the creation of a biodiverse habitat. In its reimagining, the roof of the neighbouring Enzo event center is converted into a living roof and connected to a central island by a green walkway. The walkway allows terrestrial animals to escape to higher elevations, but inaccessible to humans, allowing us to Respect from afar. To further promote this idea, the walkway is elevated allowing visitors to experience the natural beauty without interrupting the habitat. Along the walkway, three viewpoints are created for visitors to pause and take in the natural world around them. The sidewalk, previously located along the edge of Pacific Boulevard, is relocated inside the patch to provide a secondary path in the case of the primary seawall walkway being flooded.
Return, Restore, Respect
Anna Bulatova and Luca Oliver-Green | DES 201 with Arthur Leung + Yekta Tehrani